Beirut is not as glamorous as
I remembered. But, last time, I was here in September. The heat of summer has a way of stripping any place of gentility when it’s coated in a layer of sweat. The mornings and evenings are blissful, though, sitting out on my terrace overlooking – well, the
view’s not much to speak of. But from my top floor flat, rx viagra I can see over the low buildings below me, so I have a gentle breeze and an ample starry sky. At night, the sultry scent of the jasmine potted on my porch intermingles with the neighbors’ narghila; I imagine this is what heaven smells like.
It’s daytime that brings me to my knees – or more precisely, back for another cold shower. It’s pointless, really, once I step outside, I’m soaked again within minutes. So I’m trying to adjust my body clock to take long siestas and rise early to write.
Along with the thermometer, prices have soared. I’ve been told last year’s first wave of Syrian refugees depleted the housing stock and goosed the costs for everything. These were the middle- and upper-class Syrians – those with the means to leave – who first fled the neighboring country’s violence.
Then again, everyone likes to blame the “refugees.”
The owner of the apartment I’m renting has posted the hours for the daily 3-hour rolling blackouts. The last 2 days, however, there have been bonus afternoon power outages, interrupting my body clock reset attempts. Yesterday, the power went off between 4:00 and 6:00, the day’s most brutal moments, and drove me to the street where I sat scooping yummy hummus served with mint leaves and wildly fanning myself.
This morning, I’m meeting an ex-pat I “met” a few years ago via the internet. I applied for a housesit Judy had posted here in Beirut, but the dates didn’t work out. She stayed in touch and contacted me when she learned I was coming to Beirut, offering a getaway weekend in the (much) cooler mountains. It’s amazing how much of my life revolves around the internet!
Speaking of which, my Skype services that allow me to place and receive calls from landlines and mobiles is out. It appears to be something to do with a “local third party” here in Lebanon, according to the high-level folks at Skype I have working on restoring viagra over the counter my service. If that’s true, my guess is my calls are blocked because I attempted to call local Beirutis from my Skype’s “pay-as-you-go” service. The Skype service albany college of pharmacy and health sciences to call Lebanese cellphones is a whopping 20¢/minute, but local mobile service is 37¢/minute!
There’s a new requirement to register incoming cellphones with the government at the airport upon arrival if one can you buy viagra over the counter hopes to buy a sim card for in-country calling (at aforementioned 37¢/min rate). (That probably is an attempt to limit an influx of cheap overseas phones.) Since I failed to register my phone, I’ve been offered several opportunities to purchase a new one. Judy has offered to loan me an extra cellphone she has, saving me $30 – $50. In the meantime, I’m trying to get Skype to issue me a new generic cialis for sale phone number, so I can resume calls with Abdullah in Baghdad.
So, the only way to reach me now is via email or through Skype-to-Skype. That has greatly interfered with my plans to hold and post interviews on my site. Rats!
Yesterday, I – or, rather my intrepid cab driver – found the new Iraqi embassy. (This is a whole other future blog post!) Luckily, they had my paperwork without any problems and – insh’allah – I’ll pick up my passport with new Iraq visa stamp on Tuesday!
News from Baghdad has been grim. Abdullah, in Baghdad, and Ali, my likely translator who is currently in Pennsylvania but whose wife lives in Baghdad, and I are in touch via email daily. With the Al-Qaida threat shutting down American embassies throughout the Middle East and last Monday’s deadly car bombings throughout Baghdad, we decided to wait a week and see…As it stands now, I plan to fly into Baghdad on Aug 14. It’s a day-to-day existence here in the Middle East – one that gets frustrating easily, but brings on a greater appreciation for little things that work.
My favorite time of the day is at dusk – right now around 7:45 pm – when the call to prayer echoes around the neighborhood. I hear muzziens from several mosques crooning at once – it’s almost like a call and response! – but the voice of the man in the viagra how to use effectively closest mosque resonates a longing forlorn that sinks deep in my soul. I can’t help but stop each dusk and feel all the way in my toes how lucky I am to be able to travel as I do and to share my experiences with you. Thanks for listening…
Love, Kelly
It’s hard to imagine much communication at all between Lebanon and America. What’s shopping for food like?
Suz, there are big supermarkets like CarreFour and TSC (called “Tessie” by the locals), and every few blocks there are small, family-owned shops that specialize: vegetables or sundries or cellphones. There seem to be cellphone places everywhere!
Hola Kelly
Sitting here in beautiful, green summertime Ajijic and thinking of you on your well planned out journey. Sounds like
you are already having your challenges and are finding ways around them. A year after the revolution in Romania I was there adopting my now 23 year old daughter out of deplorable conditions in an orphanage. There were many obstacles to overcome as it was a “do it yourself” adoption…no adoption agency did adoptions there yet. I found as long as I just kept forging ahead and did whatever I had to do in order to bring my daughter home I would meet my goal. Your journey sounds similar…just keep forging ahead and do whatever it takes. Don’t give up and you will accomplish what you have set out to do. Stay safe and use the training you learned. We will be anxious to hear about you journey each step of the way.
Joni, thank you for your encouragement! You’ve been — and continue to be! — such an inspiration….
Hi Kelly,
The danger inherent in your trip was my concern when you left for the middle east, but perhaps the red tape and technicalities will be your biggest challenge. I would be crying with a pillow over my head in defeat if I were confronting what you describe. Bureaucracy is more twisted than one could dream up.
Yousef Fahkradine, ( I was 35) was from from a village in Lebanon. I still have pictures of him. He described a beautiful and war torn country.He slept with the Koran under his pillow, sang me yearning songs in the evening, took me out dancing with the hoards of men from his village who lived in his brother, Jimmy’s apartment house in Dearborn Michigan. We hysterically laughed at my attempts to be at one with them. Their wives smoked the bong, had white carpeting, gold painted, plastic covered furniture , and were painfully polite to me as they screamed orders to the cowed men. Yousef was the young single one . There is more history to this, of course. Anyway thax for bringing up these wonderful memories. You did the good deed for the day. Love, Janice
Janice, thanks for sharing this sweet memory. I can hear you laughing as you dance!
Ah, you make me hungry for the Middle East. The jasmine and nargila, coffee and hospitality, and incomparably beautiful dusk. Something about the clarity of the air, and the clarity of life — things are so fleeting and fragile. In the US, it’s so easy to shield yourself from the true nature of reality. Then again, in the Middle East it’s so easy to get caught up in emotions if you are not careful. So easy to become “a part of the problem.” So hard to know what to do to really make a positive difference. And yet you are compelled to try…
Like life, only compressed and made quick and urgent.
Warm wishes and good vibes your way.
Thank, Pamela!
For my other friends, Pamela wrote a book I highly recommend: Fast Times in Palestine, available on Amazon…
I am following your trip with great hope and a modicum of trepidation. Watch that dehydration and be safe. Much love.
Ardelle, thanks! Yes, watering myself mucho!
Hi Kelly,
Mel and I are in the States visiting right now. Two 14 hr. days to get to Yuma (my Sister) so we are quite worn out. Will be in Oceanside, CA for a week then back to Mexico for a vacation for the two of us (Kino Bay and Matzatlan). I think of you all the time. Hoping you are safe and getting all the interviews you need. Love your updates on your most adventurous trip.
Love from Mel and I……..Bev
Thanks, Bev! You two be safe, too….Lots of love back atcha…
I send cooling breezes your way. Stay safe and well.
Joan, I know you are used to a lot of hot air from me, so I appreciate the cooling thoughts!
Hey Kelly! Lovely writing! 🙂 I was there with you (and by coincidence had hummus for lunch, but no mint leaves, however I have mint in the garden and will try it next time and think of you).
I remember the haunting sound of the amplified muzzien in Turkey. It spins a web over you, doesn’t it?
My thoughts are with you.
PS Got the first copy of my new book yesterday! It’s so cool to hold it in your hands. You wait!
Teresa, you have your book! Mabrook! (That’s Arabic for “congratulations” and is one of the, uh, 6 or so phrases I know.) I can’t wait until I have that privilege with my book.
I just went on Amazon and ordered Last Chance for Justice ( Can’t wait to finish reading it!
Gorgeous cover.
Friends, Teresa’s new book is an inside look at the investigation that finally got Frank Cherry convicted of killing 4 little girls in the 16th Street Church bombing in Birmingham, AL, in 1963. Teresa is a retired police captain and one of the most compelling writers I know. If you don’t like this book, I personally promise to buy it back from you!
What a brave soul you are! How fortunate we all are to have you. The posts are great……
cannot wait until you are somewhere safe with your sacred stories in tact! Thanks
for allowing us all to share in the journey with you.
Love, Gisele
P.S. Online dating is far scarier than the Middle East. (Not serious of course – – but it IS scary!)
Yeah, wait ’til I tell you about the guy who thought I was his perfect mate to retire in rural Georgia and open a crocodile safari camp. — Seriously. I could not make up something that wacky!
yep that’s how communications work in the Middle East -:) here we take everything for granted. I hope you are enjoying Beirut and making new friends. Be careful in Baghdad hope all will go well with your trip.
Yep, and the 3rd power outage of the day just happened!